Equality & Diversity Policy
5D Net Zero takes its equal opportunities and diversity responsibilities seriously and is committed to equal opportunity of opportunity both in the provision of services to its customers and as an employer. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees, customers, contractors and those who come into contact with the company are treated equally and with fairness and consistency at all times.
5D Net Zero will ensure to:
a) Create a productive and safe working environment, promoting diversity and inclusion in their workforce;
b) Actively demonstrate the Company’s diversity policy and practices;
c) Develop new practices to ensure inclusion for employees, contractors and customers; and
d) Demonstrate continuous improvement in diversity and equal opportunities for all.
Set out below is 5D Net Zero’s Equal opportunity and Diversity Policy, which applies to the whole workforce. This Equal Opportunities and Diversity Statement is forwarded to all employees.
The rationale for 5D Net Zero’s commitment to equal opportunity and diversity includes:
1. An understanding of the importance of opening the business up to all sections of the community. To identify and develop the skills and talents offered by members and potential members of 5D Net Zero, to their and 5D Net Zero’s benefit;
2. The awareness that, in addition to being illegal and immoral, discrimination is also wasteful;
3. The recognition of the negative impact on individuals of the effects of discrimination in terms of attainment, career progression, self-fulfilment and self-esteem.
Equal Opportunity & Diversity Statement:
This policy seeks continuous improvement and compliance with legislation. It is based on the principles that:
a) All people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect;
b) we will not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, disability, nationality, religious or philosophical belief, age, sexual orientation, family status, trade union activity or any other factor;
c) We will adopt fair and inclusive practices throughout our operations and will eliminate all prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment;
d) All employees have a personal responsibility for the practical application of this policy in their day-to-day activities and must support the policy at all times;
e) Non-compliance with this policy will be treated seriously and will not be tolerated
f) That the opportunities we provide are open to all;
g) That we provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment – for staff, for subcontractors and for visitors.
5D Net Zero will not tolerate discrimination against individuals on the basis of gender, race, colour or ethnic or national origin, religion or equivalent belief system, disability, sexual orientation, social class, age (subject to the usual conventions on retirement), marital status or family responsibilities or as a result of any conditions or requirements that do not accord with the principles of fairness and natural justice.
Status Of The Policy:
This policy forms part of the formal contract of employment for staff and part of the formal agreement between employees and 5D Net Zero. All members of 5D Net Zero must abide by this policy. Those in senior or managerial positions or with specific responsibilities for recruitment, selection, training, appraisal and promotion should be especially mindful of the policy, and any failure to comply could result in disciplinary proceedings.
All visitors to 5D Net Zero, together with those contracted to work at or for 5D Net Zero, will be expected to comply with this policy.
Recruitment & Promotions:
Recruitment and promotions within 5D Net Zero shall be conducted in accordance with this policy.
Personal details are not required for a recruitment or promotional decision to be made; such as marital status, number of children, next of kin, age, race, creed, sexual orientation, religion or similar belief and are therefore not specified in any process or form.
All contracts of employment and offer letters shall be checked by an independent third party for compliance to this policy and relevant equal opportunity and diversity legislation.
All appointments shall be made purely on merit, and in compliance with the Policy Statement.
With reference to appropriate policies the selection for redundancy shall be conducted in a manner which avoids any direct or indirect discrimination.
Other Policies:
All company policies and procedures, pay rates, hours of work, unsocial hours, appraisal scheme, disciplinary procedure and benefits are designed to promote equal opportunity and diversity and protection for all employees.
Corporate & Individual Responsibilities:
5D Net Zero corporate responsibilities under this policy, together with the responsibilities of individual members of 5D Net Zero, are set out below.
Responsibility for ensuring that 5D Net Zero meets its legal obligations in respect of legislation relating to equal opportunity and diversity rests with the Managing Director. In practice, however, the management of these obligations is delegated to Senior Management.
Nonetheless 5D Net Zero is responsible as a corporate entity for putting into place mechanisms and procedures, which encourage a cultural environment that meets with its statutory obligations and commitment to equal opportunity of opportunity.
Contract & Site Manager Responsibilities:
Contract Managers and Site Managers are accountable to the Senior Management for ensuring compliance with the Equal opportunity and Diversity Policy within their own areas. Specifically Contracts Managers and Site Managers are responsible for:
1. Fostering an environment in which compliance with this policy is regarded as integral to the work of the resource centre or department;
2. Investigate complaints of harassment or discrimination.
Responsibilities Of Individual Members of 5D Net Zero:
In order to ensure that the Equal opportunity and Diversity Policy is put into practice, individual members of 5D Net Zero:
1. Should seek actively to promote equal opportunity of opportunity for others and strive to create an environment in which goals may be pursued without fear or intimidation;
2. Must not discriminate unfairly in the way they provide or procure services on behalf of 5D Net Zero;
3. Must not discriminate unfairly if involved in the recruitment, promotion and management of staff or in the selection and supervision of employees;
4. Must neither practice unfair discrimination or harassment nor encourage other staff or employees to do so;
5. Must not victimise any person who has complained of harassment or unfair discrimination, or who has given information in connection with such a complaint.
This policy and procedure shall be communicated to all employees during their initial induction.
All records related to the management of the business are legible, properly recorded and available at all times.
This policy is reviewed, at least, yearly. This policy was last reviewed January 2025.